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Hope is the Stepping Stone to Belief

In this Blog! we're exploring a profound concept from Ruth Elisabeth Hancock's latest blog: " Hope is the Stepping Stone to Belief ." This post delves into the vibrational energy of hope, its role in bridging the gap between desperation and belief, and strategies to cultivate unwavering self-belief. The Vibrational Energy of Hope Hope on the Hertz Table: While researching for her book, Ruth discovered that hope is a low vibrational energy on the Hertz table of emotions. This is because hope leaves room for doubt, unlike 100% belief. 100% Belief: For true transformation, we need 100% pure belief in ourselves, our abilities, and our strengths. Hope is a step towards this but not the final destination. The Role of Hope Hope as The Bridge: Hope serves as a crucial bridge between the low vibrational energy of desperation and the high vibrational energy of belief. It’s halfway to achieving your real goals in life.

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