The 7 Hermetic Principles for Life: Unlocking Ancient Wisdom

Introduction to the Hermetic Principles

For centuries, secret societies have guarded profound knowledge, hidden from the masses, that can help us unlock our true potential. This knowledge revolves around the 7 Hermetic Principles for Life, said to have been imparted by Hermes, the Greek equivalent of the Egyptian god Thoth. Interestingly, Thoth was not only a deity but also an actual historical figure, possibly linked to Enoch, the 7th son of Adam. These principles, passed down through generations, offer insights into both the microcosm (our inner world) and the macrocosm (the laws of nature), guiding us to a deeper understanding of life and the universe.

1. The Law of Mentalism

Mind Over Matter

The first Hermetic Principle teaches that the mind creates everything. Our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, and by harnessing the power of our mind, we can bring about significant changes in our lives. The universe is composed of energy, and our collective consciousness plays a pivotal role in shaping it. This principle encourages us to realize the immense power we hold within our minds to alter our reality.

2. The Principle of Correspondence

As Above, So Below

This principle emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things. The patterns we observe in the microcosm reflect those in the macrocosm and vice versa. By understanding this, we realize that changing our internal frequency (beliefs, thoughts) can manifest changes in the external world. To alter our reality, we must first transform our inner selves.

3. The Principle of Vibration

Everything Moves

Nothing rests; everything vibrates. Even seemingly solid objects, like a wooden table, are in constant motion at the atomic level. This principle highlights the importance of raising our vibrational frequency to improve our lives. By aligning ourselves with higher vibrations, we can experience positive changes and greater harmony.

4. The Principle of Polarity

Duality in Everything

Everything has its opposite, and these opposites are actually different degrees of the same thing. This principle teaches us that light and dark, good and bad, are part of the same spectrum. Understanding polarity helps us navigate life's challenges, seeing them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.

5. The Principle of Gender

Balance of Energies

Gender exists in all planes of existence, manifesting as masculine and feminine energies. These energies are essential for creation and balance. Our world has been predominantly masculine for the past 2,000 years, but now the feminine energy is returning, fostering intuition, creativity, and rest. This balance is crucial for personal and planetary harmony.

6. The Principle of Rhythm

The Flow of Life

Everything in life has a rhythm, a natural flow. Like the tides or a pendulum, energy moves in cycles. This principle teaches us to embrace the ebb and flow, understanding that stagnation leads to imbalance. By aligning with natural rhythms, we can maintain balance and flow in our lives.

7. The Principle of Cause and Effect

Responsibility and Control

Every action has a reaction; nothing happens by chance. This principle emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and understanding their consequences. By recognizing the role we play in events, we gain greater control over our reality and can make positive changes more effectively.


The 7 Hermetic Principles offer timeless wisdom that can guide us toward a more enlightened and fulfilling life. By integrating these principles into our daily lives, we can unlock our true potential and create a better world for ourselves and humanity.

For those interested in exploring these concepts further, I recommend reading my new book, available for free on Kindle Unlimited. Dive deeper into these ancient teachings and discover how they can transform your life.

Written by Ruth Elisabeth Hancock
